Wow I just realized it has been over two months since I've updated this blog but don't worry I haven't forgot the list. Though I still have quite a bit to go on the list.
I have crossed off 64 off the list:
64) Complete a song with Guitar on Expert on Guitar Hero/Rock Band
This one was kind of an accident. I've been only able to play Guitar Hero on medium. Moving on to hard has been rather difficult for me. Its hard to press on the orange button while doing the other four colors. Well a few weeks ago Matt and I were playing Rock Band Three. I played Bass mode on Guitar on expert. I was being ambitious. And playing bass is a little easier than playing guitar. I did an a White Stripe song "Hardest Button to press." It was an actually an easy song. I score 95 percent.
Another thing to cross off the list!
I've also crossed number 73 off the list:
Pay off my car loan before January 2011
I had a three year car loan on my car. I wanted to get it paid off early. Which I did I only had 98 bucks left to paid on it which I paid in the beginning of December. Now my car is all paid off. Yah!
So that is 22 things crossed off my list. I still have 83 things off my list to cross off! I have 774 days left to do those things. Hopefully I can get them done.
I can't believe 2010 is almost done with, starting this list back in May has definitely added some excitement to the year.It has kept me busy and has given me things to do.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Going out to Eat
I have change the background to my blog, I was getting tired of the orange. I wanted something different. So now the blog is pretty blue.
So today while I've been having a lazy Saturday, I realize that I have crossed number 37 off the list.
37)Go to 10 new restaurants
I pretty much did this one mainly from going on our trip to Vegas. I think the time we got home we were sick of eating out. So here are the 10 resaurants/eating places that we have went to in the last few months.
1) Le Deux-Troy, Ohio
2) Claim Jumper-Henderson, Nevada
3) Charly's Pub and Grill-Flagstaff Arizona
4) Chipoltle-Dayton, Ohio
5) Landmark Cafe- Galesburg, Illinois
6) Bright Angel Restaurant- Grand Canyon, Arizona
7) Noodles- Las Vegas, Nevada
8) Fat Burger- Henderson, Nevada
9) Pot Belly-Dayton, Ohio
10) Inoteca Otto Pizzeria-Las Vegas, Nevada
The best restaurant that I went to out of these ten I would say way the Claim Jumper. I loved their food. It taste very hearty and homemade. Though their portions were huge. I got the smaller portion and I still had leftovers. The restaurant that I probably liked the least out of the 10 was the pizza. It wasn't that great tasting.
I feel accomplished! I have been crossing a lot of things off my list lately. :)
So today while I've been having a lazy Saturday, I realize that I have crossed number 37 off the list.
37)Go to 10 new restaurants
I pretty much did this one mainly from going on our trip to Vegas. I think the time we got home we were sick of eating out. So here are the 10 resaurants/eating places that we have went to in the last few months.
1) Le Deux-Troy, Ohio
2) Claim Jumper-Henderson, Nevada
3) Charly's Pub and Grill-Flagstaff Arizona
4) Chipoltle-Dayton, Ohio
5) Landmark Cafe- Galesburg, Illinois
6) Bright Angel Restaurant- Grand Canyon, Arizona
7) Noodles- Las Vegas, Nevada
8) Fat Burger- Henderson, Nevada
9) Pot Belly-Dayton, Ohio
10) Inoteca Otto Pizzeria-Las Vegas, Nevada
The best restaurant that I went to out of these ten I would say way the Claim Jumper. I loved their food. It taste very hearty and homemade. Though their portions were huge. I got the smaller portion and I still had leftovers. The restaurant that I probably liked the least out of the 10 was the pizza. It wasn't that great tasting.
I feel accomplished! I have been crossing a lot of things off my list lately. :)
List Updates!
So I just went through my list and surprisingly crossed things off from my list without realizing it! I have officially completed 19 things off my list out of the 101 things. I need to get busy and cross some more things off the list!
So in the last month I have:
21) Go to a haunted house
35) Finish Wedding Scrapbook
46) Ride in a limo
53) Go to 3 states that I have never been to.
93) Find a hat to wear, that I actually look good in.
21) Go to a haunted house.
I don't remember when I created the list if I met an actual haunted house or a haunted scary house that is man made, with monsters pop out of nowhere. So considering I don't really know of any actually haunted houses. I'm going to say it was the latter. So last week my brother Derrick and I went to two haunted houses. The first one was a LONG wait. We probably had to wait in line for a good 40 minutes. It was disappointing, though of course I screamed and got scared a few times. Those people running around with chain saws scares me every time. So we decide to go to this other haunted house about a few miles down the street from the other one. It was AWESOME, they had this neat vortex thing, that makes it look like the door is moving in circles. And there was this freaky part where we were barricaded and attacked my 3 guys with a chainsaw. It was pretty scary trying to find a way out. Not that the chainsaw actually had a chainsaw on it. But still scary. My brother of course complained after wards for spending a total of 24 dollars on the haunted houses. But I think the experience was worth it. I like having a good old scare.

35) Finish Wedding Scrapbook
So last year for a wedding present I got a wedding scrapbook kit. I started making it, but then quit. So I decided it was finally time to finish it. So I took all the wedding cards I got and cut them out and I put the pictures and things people wrote in them and glued them in the book. Also we had disposable cameras at the wedding so people could take pictures. Most of the pictures taken were horrible, though there were some great pictures taking. It is amazing what people capture and see at a wedding. I got a picture of Derrick picking his nose with a straw. Lovely. So anyways I took the pictures and put them in the scrapbook. I think the scrapbook turned out very nice.
Here are some pictures of the wedding scrapbook:

46) Ride in a limo
So surprisingly I have never rode in a limo for prom or our wedding, or in my entire life for that matter. Though when we were in Vegas, we had the opportunity to ride in a limo for free! It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be, but it still made us feel special. I loved people in their cars staring at the limo and pointing at it as if they have never seen a limo. It was pretty fun and I'm glad I can finally say that I rode in a limo.
Matt sitting in the limo
53) Go to 3 states that I have never been to.
When we went on our Vacation we went to 3 states. New Mexico, Nevada, and Arizona. Well we officially didn't spend more than an hour at New Mexico, though we were there for 45 minutes at as one of the stops on the train. So I can cross that off the list. I still need to visit more states. I really haven't expanded my horizons that much.
93) Find a hat to wear, that I actually look good in.
Ok so this one is very objective. But I decided that I officially looked good in the hat mainly because I spent 25 dollars for it. Yikes. I have never spent that much on a hat ever. When were we in Arizona, we realized that we should have probably brought hats with us, since we would be hiking in the canyons. And I get really bad sunburn on my head since I have really thin hair. So we went to this outdoor store, that was completely over priced. Matt paid 35 dollars for his hat and I paid 25 for mine. What is cool about my hat, is there is a pocket inside of the hat that I can store secret items like money. I don't know if I look that great in it, but probably the best out of all the other hats I have worn. I always look silly in hats. So here is the hat. You be the judge.
So that is it for now. I like to cross some more things off the list soon.
So in the last month I have:
21) Go to a haunted house
35) Finish Wedding Scrapbook
46) Ride in a limo
53) Go to 3 states that I have never been to.
93) Find a hat to wear, that I actually look good in.
21) Go to a haunted house.
I don't remember when I created the list if I met an actual haunted house or a haunted scary house that is man made, with monsters pop out of nowhere. So considering I don't really know of any actually haunted houses. I'm going to say it was the latter. So last week my brother Derrick and I went to two haunted houses. The first one was a LONG wait. We probably had to wait in line for a good 40 minutes. It was disappointing, though of course I screamed and got scared a few times. Those people running around with chain saws scares me every time. So we decide to go to this other haunted house about a few miles down the street from the other one. It was AWESOME, they had this neat vortex thing, that makes it look like the door is moving in circles. And there was this freaky part where we were barricaded and attacked my 3 guys with a chainsaw. It was pretty scary trying to find a way out. Not that the chainsaw actually had a chainsaw on it. But still scary. My brother of course complained after wards for spending a total of 24 dollars on the haunted houses. But I think the experience was worth it. I like having a good old scare.
35) Finish Wedding Scrapbook
So last year for a wedding present I got a wedding scrapbook kit. I started making it, but then quit. So I decided it was finally time to finish it. So I took all the wedding cards I got and cut them out and I put the pictures and things people wrote in them and glued them in the book. Also we had disposable cameras at the wedding so people could take pictures. Most of the pictures taken were horrible, though there were some great pictures taking. It is amazing what people capture and see at a wedding. I got a picture of Derrick picking his nose with a straw. Lovely. So anyways I took the pictures and put them in the scrapbook. I think the scrapbook turned out very nice.
Here are some pictures of the wedding scrapbook:
46) Ride in a limo
So surprisingly I have never rode in a limo for prom or our wedding, or in my entire life for that matter. Though when we were in Vegas, we had the opportunity to ride in a limo for free! It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be, but it still made us feel special. I loved people in their cars staring at the limo and pointing at it as if they have never seen a limo. It was pretty fun and I'm glad I can finally say that I rode in a limo.
Matt sitting in the limo
53) Go to 3 states that I have never been to.
When we went on our Vacation we went to 3 states. New Mexico, Nevada, and Arizona. Well we officially didn't spend more than an hour at New Mexico, though we were there for 45 minutes at as one of the stops on the train. So I can cross that off the list. I still need to visit more states. I really haven't expanded my horizons that much.
93) Find a hat to wear, that I actually look good in.
Ok so this one is very objective. But I decided that I officially looked good in the hat mainly because I spent 25 dollars for it. Yikes. I have never spent that much on a hat ever. When were we in Arizona, we realized that we should have probably brought hats with us, since we would be hiking in the canyons. And I get really bad sunburn on my head since I have really thin hair. So we went to this outdoor store, that was completely over priced. Matt paid 35 dollars for his hat and I paid 25 for mine. What is cool about my hat, is there is a pocket inside of the hat that I can store secret items like money. I don't know if I look that great in it, but probably the best out of all the other hats I have worn. I always look silly in hats. So here is the hat. You be the judge.
So that is it for now. I like to cross some more things off the list soon.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Vegas Baby!
We got back from our trip last Saturday. I have been very busy with getting settled back in from our trip that I finally have time to write about it. Our trip was great it went by so fast! I can officially cross off #6 off my list:
6) Go to Las Vegas
We done so much on our trip, we went to Red Rock Canyon, and drove down to Grand Canyon National Park we spent a night there. The Grand Canyon is absolutely amazing and breath taking!
Here is a picture of Matt and I at the Grand Canyon:
We then went to Henderson, NV (Which is about 15 minutes outside of Vegas)and spent two nights at Green Valley Ranch Resort, which was absolutely beautiful. What was nice is there was a casino in the hotel, so we got to gamble some. And the hotel was AMAZING, it was such a fancy hotel. Matt did a nice job picking the hotels. We also went to a bar at the hotel and watched this really fun cover band called "Super Vegas Band". They were so talented! It was the best five dollars that I have spent for a concert. They did Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean" and it sounded just like the really thing, the song was wonderful.
After two nights at the Green Valley Ranch we went to the Hoover Dam and took a tour:

I learned a lot of history about the dam. It took them only 4 years to make the hoover dam. The workers would get paid only 4 dollars a day. They our also in the process of making a bridge, the bridge is going to be open at the end of October, so traffic will run through this bridge instead of the Hoover dam.

After the Hoover Dam we finally went to Vegas, and stayed two night there. I would definitely love to go back there again to spend more time, because there is so much to do there. We went to the wax museum and saw tons of wax stars. Some of them looked so realistic, that I seriously thought I was standing right next to the real thing. I even got to stand right next to my celebrity twin Brittney Spears. Well I don't think I look like her, though I have had many people tell me I kind of resemble her. What do you think?

One thing I could not get over is how crowded Vegas is, even at the end of September, there are so many people there. I loved the people that would stand on the street and sell "Lucky" water for a dollar. What is also neat is a bunch of the hotels have outside shows, such as a fire show, and a fountain show. I wished we would have won some big money in Vegas so I could have went shopping in some of the stores. They had some big expensive designers in some of the shops. I didn't even walk in any of them, because I knew I probably would cry just looking at the price tag. We did walk into a Tiffany's jewelry store, and they have such amazing jewelery there, of course I think the cheapest thing there was 1,000 bucks
So we had a really good time in Vegas, and I'm glad to cross it off the list. I don't know if Vegas exceeded my expectations. I think watching movies about Vegas, made my standards very high. But I still had a great time there. We didn't win any money. We probably lost only about 100 bucks. I would only stick to the penny slots. I actually kind of won some money on them.
Here are some pictures of Vegas:

I also ended up crossing two other things off my list while we were on our trip in Vegas. It wasn't planned, but it just so happened to be the way. So it is always nice to cross some extra things off this list. I'll post more about that later. Now I'm off to clean our bathroom, because it is really sad looking about being away for over a week. I think mildew and other nasty things are festering up in it. Well bye for now!
Oh P.S.
One thing I forgot to mention, is Vegas was doing some weird things to my hair! As you notice the picture of me with the wax Brittney Spears, my hair is flat and striaght. Well I didn't even use a flat iron on that. Apparently due to lack of humidity and what not I didn't have curly hair. My curls kept falling out! So I guess if I didn't live in Ohio I wouldn't have naturally curly hair. I kind of liked my hair like that in Vegas. I complained the entire time and said I hated it, but when I came back here, I realize how awesome it was not to have such frizzy and crazy hair. Oh vegas, I heart you. :)
6) Go to Las Vegas
We done so much on our trip, we went to Red Rock Canyon, and drove down to Grand Canyon National Park we spent a night there. The Grand Canyon is absolutely amazing and breath taking!
Here is a picture of Matt and I at the Grand Canyon:
We then went to Henderson, NV (Which is about 15 minutes outside of Vegas)and spent two nights at Green Valley Ranch Resort, which was absolutely beautiful. What was nice is there was a casino in the hotel, so we got to gamble some. And the hotel was AMAZING, it was such a fancy hotel. Matt did a nice job picking the hotels. We also went to a bar at the hotel and watched this really fun cover band called "Super Vegas Band". They were so talented! It was the best five dollars that I have spent for a concert. They did Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean" and it sounded just like the really thing, the song was wonderful.
After two nights at the Green Valley Ranch we went to the Hoover Dam and took a tour:
I learned a lot of history about the dam. It took them only 4 years to make the hoover dam. The workers would get paid only 4 dollars a day. They our also in the process of making a bridge, the bridge is going to be open at the end of October, so traffic will run through this bridge instead of the Hoover dam.
After the Hoover Dam we finally went to Vegas, and stayed two night there. I would definitely love to go back there again to spend more time, because there is so much to do there. We went to the wax museum and saw tons of wax stars. Some of them looked so realistic, that I seriously thought I was standing right next to the real thing. I even got to stand right next to my celebrity twin Brittney Spears. Well I don't think I look like her, though I have had many people tell me I kind of resemble her. What do you think?
One thing I could not get over is how crowded Vegas is, even at the end of September, there are so many people there. I loved the people that would stand on the street and sell "Lucky" water for a dollar. What is also neat is a bunch of the hotels have outside shows, such as a fire show, and a fountain show. I wished we would have won some big money in Vegas so I could have went shopping in some of the stores. They had some big expensive designers in some of the shops. I didn't even walk in any of them, because I knew I probably would cry just looking at the price tag. We did walk into a Tiffany's jewelry store, and they have such amazing jewelery there, of course I think the cheapest thing there was 1,000 bucks
So we had a really good time in Vegas, and I'm glad to cross it off the list. I don't know if Vegas exceeded my expectations. I think watching movies about Vegas, made my standards very high. But I still had a great time there. We didn't win any money. We probably lost only about 100 bucks. I would only stick to the penny slots. I actually kind of won some money on them.
Here are some pictures of Vegas:
I also ended up crossing two other things off my list while we were on our trip in Vegas. It wasn't planned, but it just so happened to be the way. So it is always nice to cross some extra things off this list. I'll post more about that later. Now I'm off to clean our bathroom, because it is really sad looking about being away for over a week. I think mildew and other nasty things are festering up in it. Well bye for now!
Oh P.S.
One thing I forgot to mention, is Vegas was doing some weird things to my hair! As you notice the picture of me with the wax Brittney Spears, my hair is flat and striaght. Well I didn't even use a flat iron on that. Apparently due to lack of humidity and what not I didn't have curly hair. My curls kept falling out! So I guess if I didn't live in Ohio I wouldn't have naturally curly hair. I kind of liked my hair like that in Vegas. I complained the entire time and said I hated it, but when I came back here, I realize how awesome it was not to have such frizzy and crazy hair. Oh vegas, I heart you. :)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Riding a Train Across America
So yesterday I officially completed number 61 off the list!
61) Ride a train across America
This trip to Vegas has been in the works since last December. Though how we were going to get to Vegas was the million dollar question. We decided now to fly to Vegas, though it would have been the smartest and most logical way to travel. Since Matt and I have never flew EVER, we were kind of nervous about the idea. And plus Matt LOVES trains, he is a major train enthusiast. I was very apprehensive riding a train across America. It wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. At least it seemed to go very fast, though I felt SO SICK and dizzy from the trip. We left from home on Thursday around 10:00 am. We drove to Galesburg, IL, had to kill about an hour of our time, and then we were off to depart around 6:00 pm, which would be 7:00 Ohio time. Here is the Am-Track we went on:

We then went on Coach for the first 4 hours, we pasted through a little part of Iowa, and then we had a 45 minute stop to Kanasas City Missouri, where we took all our crap and moved to a sleeper car. (It was cheaper to do it that way) I pretty much freaked out when we went to our sleeper car. It was not what I was expecting. It was so small. It looked like a small narrow closet. Literally there was a bed on the bottom and a bed on top and a foot of space from the bed to the door. I felt so claustrophobic, I couldn't breath. It took a while for me to get use to it. So we went to sleep probably around 11:00. (12:00 Ohio time) I'm surprised but I fell asleep right away, and pretty much slept the entire night. While we were sleeping we went through Kansas. I hope on the way back I'll get to see it. When we woke up it was 6o'clock. We gained another hour while we were sleeping, so technically it was 8:00 Ohio time. I hated trying to use the bathroom, get ready for the day, and eat meals. It is so hard to walk around on a train. Though it is neat to look out the window and get a scenic view. During the day we pasted a little bit of Colorado, and then pretty much the entire day we past through New Mexico.
Here are some pics of Colorado and New Mexico:

We gained another hour around 7:00 at night, so it was pitch black by 6:00 when we got into Arizona. Finally around 9:00pm which would have been 12:00 am Ohio time, we reached Flagstaff AZ. It was really chilly. I needed a jacket. We got a taxi to the hotel, and can I just say the three hour time change is throwing me off. I woke up 6:45 this morning. Not the normal time I wake up. hehehe.
So it wasn't terrible the trip. I just felt like I was getting terrible motion sickness. Matt and I are going get some stuff to help with motion sickness on the way back. Hopefully the trip on the way back won't be terrible. My favorite part when we ate lunch, and got to sit by this awesome older couple in their late sixties from England. They were so cool! They have traveled all around the world, and so adventurous for their age. They shared amazing stories of their travels.
And can I just say I felt so weird sleeping in a bed tonight that wasn't moving. I felt like I was still moving from the train ride, when we went to bed.
Well we are off to go to the Grand Canyon today, and then I think tomorrow we are going to Vegas, which will be another thing to cross off the list :)
61) Ride a train across America
This trip to Vegas has been in the works since last December. Though how we were going to get to Vegas was the million dollar question. We decided now to fly to Vegas, though it would have been the smartest and most logical way to travel. Since Matt and I have never flew EVER, we were kind of nervous about the idea. And plus Matt LOVES trains, he is a major train enthusiast. I was very apprehensive riding a train across America. It wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. At least it seemed to go very fast, though I felt SO SICK and dizzy from the trip. We left from home on Thursday around 10:00 am. We drove to Galesburg, IL, had to kill about an hour of our time, and then we were off to depart around 6:00 pm, which would be 7:00 Ohio time. Here is the Am-Track we went on:
We then went on Coach for the first 4 hours, we pasted through a little part of Iowa, and then we had a 45 minute stop to Kanasas City Missouri, where we took all our crap and moved to a sleeper car. (It was cheaper to do it that way) I pretty much freaked out when we went to our sleeper car. It was not what I was expecting. It was so small. It looked like a small narrow closet. Literally there was a bed on the bottom and a bed on top and a foot of space from the bed to the door. I felt so claustrophobic, I couldn't breath. It took a while for me to get use to it. So we went to sleep probably around 11:00. (12:00 Ohio time) I'm surprised but I fell asleep right away, and pretty much slept the entire night. While we were sleeping we went through Kansas. I hope on the way back I'll get to see it. When we woke up it was 6o'clock. We gained another hour while we were sleeping, so technically it was 8:00 Ohio time. I hated trying to use the bathroom, get ready for the day, and eat meals. It is so hard to walk around on a train. Though it is neat to look out the window and get a scenic view. During the day we pasted a little bit of Colorado, and then pretty much the entire day we past through New Mexico.
Here are some pics of Colorado and New Mexico:
We gained another hour around 7:00 at night, so it was pitch black by 6:00 when we got into Arizona. Finally around 9:00pm which would have been 12:00 am Ohio time, we reached Flagstaff AZ. It was really chilly. I needed a jacket. We got a taxi to the hotel, and can I just say the three hour time change is throwing me off. I woke up 6:45 this morning. Not the normal time I wake up. hehehe.
So it wasn't terrible the trip. I just felt like I was getting terrible motion sickness. Matt and I are going get some stuff to help with motion sickness on the way back. Hopefully the trip on the way back won't be terrible. My favorite part when we ate lunch, and got to sit by this awesome older couple in their late sixties from England. They were so cool! They have traveled all around the world, and so adventurous for their age. They shared amazing stories of their travels.
And can I just say I felt so weird sleeping in a bed tonight that wasn't moving. I felt like I was still moving from the train ride, when we went to bed.
Well we are off to go to the Grand Canyon today, and then I think tomorrow we are going to Vegas, which will be another thing to cross off the list :)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Happy Labor Day and of course that doesn't stop me from laboring
So today on my day off, I only thought it would be fitting to do something productive today. So today I did number 87 off the list.
87) Clean, condense, and organize all my stuff in the basement
I have a bunch of crap in the basement, that is all mine. Matt still needs to put his stuff from his Mom and Dad's house into our basement. A lot of it is stuff left over from our wedding, and just unorganized junk thrown into containers. So after sitting in our basement for about a year, I thought I would finally condense some of the stuff in our basement and organize stuff. So all afternoon I worked on organizing stuff. I'm excited because I found some things I forgot I had. Such as a pocket knife. It was in one of my old purses. And I found a fun cd-rom game called Pandora's Box. It is a fun game with solving puzzles. I got it for Christmas one year when I was in high school. I still haven't beat the game, so I installed in on my laptop and now I am playing it again. I also found this interesting necklace, that I didn't even know I owned or where it came from:

It is kind of like a magic 8 ball, you ask a question and press the question mark and it randomly selects and answer, such as "maybe" or "not clear". So all day today I've been asking silly question like "Am I going to have a baby next year?" and pressing my necklace. Not that the necklace really is going to tell the future, I like having a little fun with stuff like this.
So here is what our basement looked like before the big cleanup. (Now note, I only organized and touched the big piles of boxes. Because those are the only things in the basement, that belongs to me. The only stuff is house stuff, Matt had in there for working on the house. I figured it would be a good idea not to mess with that stuff, because I know he gets mad when I move his stuff.)

I ended up having two big garbage cans filled with trash. My cleaning philosophy,is if I haven't missed the item in a year, then I'm never going to miss it, so might as well throw it away or donate it. It isn't worth collecting useless items that I will never use. What I'm really excited about is I organized my scrap-booking stuff and my beads for jewelry making. So I'll have to work on some of my projects soon, now that they are no longer just thrown in a random container. I ended up having about two boxes worth of stuff that I am going to donate to Goodwill. A lot of the stuff is glass centerpieces from our wedding. I don't really need them anymore, so might as well donate them. I have used a few of them for decor in my house, but I really don't need twenty of them for decor in my house.
Goodwill probably likes me, I'm always getting rid of stuff to donate to them:

After three and a half hours later, and after condensing my items and getting rid of about 3-4 boxes of stuff, here is the end result:

EDIT: I forgot to mention I also have an Ebay pile too. Matt is really good with selling stuff on Ebay, so I have a pile of stuff like old cds, my camera, etc, that I hope we can get a little money from.
So that crosses off 87 off the list. It feels so good to cross something off the list! I haven't done that in a while now. I feel so accomplished today. I think maybe tomorrow I'm going to start the no-cussing for three months. I've been have a terrible potty mouth. We'll see. I hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend!
87) Clean, condense, and organize all my stuff in the basement
I have a bunch of crap in the basement, that is all mine. Matt still needs to put his stuff from his Mom and Dad's house into our basement. A lot of it is stuff left over from our wedding, and just unorganized junk thrown into containers. So after sitting in our basement for about a year, I thought I would finally condense some of the stuff in our basement and organize stuff. So all afternoon I worked on organizing stuff. I'm excited because I found some things I forgot I had. Such as a pocket knife. It was in one of my old purses. And I found a fun cd-rom game called Pandora's Box. It is a fun game with solving puzzles. I got it for Christmas one year when I was in high school. I still haven't beat the game, so I installed in on my laptop and now I am playing it again. I also found this interesting necklace, that I didn't even know I owned or where it came from:
It is kind of like a magic 8 ball, you ask a question and press the question mark and it randomly selects and answer, such as "maybe" or "not clear". So all day today I've been asking silly question like "Am I going to have a baby next year?" and pressing my necklace. Not that the necklace really is going to tell the future, I like having a little fun with stuff like this.
So here is what our basement looked like before the big cleanup. (Now note, I only organized and touched the big piles of boxes. Because those are the only things in the basement, that belongs to me. The only stuff is house stuff, Matt had in there for working on the house. I figured it would be a good idea not to mess with that stuff, because I know he gets mad when I move his stuff.)
I ended up having two big garbage cans filled with trash. My cleaning philosophy,is if I haven't missed the item in a year, then I'm never going to miss it, so might as well throw it away or donate it. It isn't worth collecting useless items that I will never use. What I'm really excited about is I organized my scrap-booking stuff and my beads for jewelry making. So I'll have to work on some of my projects soon, now that they are no longer just thrown in a random container. I ended up having about two boxes worth of stuff that I am going to donate to Goodwill. A lot of the stuff is glass centerpieces from our wedding. I don't really need them anymore, so might as well donate them. I have used a few of them for decor in my house, but I really don't need twenty of them for decor in my house.
Goodwill probably likes me, I'm always getting rid of stuff to donate to them:
After three and a half hours later, and after condensing my items and getting rid of about 3-4 boxes of stuff, here is the end result:
EDIT: I forgot to mention I also have an Ebay pile too. Matt is really good with selling stuff on Ebay, so I have a pile of stuff like old cds, my camera, etc, that I hope we can get a little money from.
So that crosses off 87 off the list. It feels so good to cross something off the list! I haven't done that in a while now. I feel so accomplished today. I think maybe tomorrow I'm going to start the no-cussing for three months. I've been have a terrible potty mouth. We'll see. I hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Mmm Pie
Today I made an apple pie! From an apple tree at my in-law's house. So this take one of the five pie that I have to make off my list.
69) Make a apple, cherry, pumpkin, pecan, and strawberry pie
The reason these pies are on my list, is because I have never made these kind before. I have made a rhubarb pie, a grape pie, and a pear pie.
This is the recipe that I used http://
It turned out really yummy! And it was pretty easy to make!
Here are some pics of the apple pie I made:
Can I just say I love the Pamper Chef corer,slicer, and peeler it makes it 100 times easier to slice up the apples!

This is how the pie turned out!

And here is the pie ready to eat, with a little ready whip on top. And it was delicious!

Now only 4 more pies to make.
69) Make a apple, cherry, pumpkin, pecan, and strawberry pie
The reason these pies are on my list, is because I have never made these kind before. I have made a rhubarb pie, a grape pie, and a pear pie.
This is the recipe that I used http://
It turned out really yummy! And it was pretty easy to make!
Here are some pics of the apple pie I made:
Can I just say I love the Pamper Chef corer,slicer, and peeler it makes it 100 times easier to slice up the apples!
This is how the pie turned out!
And here is the pie ready to eat, with a little ready whip on top. And it was delicious!
Now only 4 more pies to make.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Alanis Morrisette is pregnant!
I am a hard core fan of Alanis, I love her music and I really want to see her in concert. But she isn't touring this summer and I just read that she is pregnant.
Here's the article:
I'm happy for her and that she got married recently. I really don't know her new husband, apparently he is a rapper. Though I'm sad that the relationship with Ryan Reynolds never worked out, they probably would have had nice looking babies.
Anyways it may make this goal:
79) Go to an Alanis Morrisette Concert
Very hard to cross off the list, because if she is pregnant and going to be a mommy, she might take a hiatus from music. Though I have until 2013 until this goal can be crossed off the list, so we'll she if she will decide to tour anytime soon.
Here's the article:
I'm happy for her and that she got married recently. I really don't know her new husband, apparently he is a rapper. Though I'm sad that the relationship with Ryan Reynolds never worked out, they probably would have had nice looking babies.
Anyways it may make this goal:
79) Go to an Alanis Morrisette Concert
Very hard to cross off the list, because if she is pregnant and going to be a mommy, she might take a hiatus from music. Though I have until 2013 until this goal can be crossed off the list, so we'll she if she will decide to tour anytime soon.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
So recently 2 new dishes which is part of # 65 off the list
65) Cook 25 new dishes (Deserts, Main dishes, sides)
So here is the first new dish that I made:

It was ok tasting, I doesn't look that good. lol. It's basically beef, salsa, chili powder and mac and cheese. You can garnish it is with tortilla chips and sour cream. I probably won't make it again
EDIT** Matt just walked by and said "Eww what is that? It looks like vomit!" Funny thing is he ate it about a month ago. hahah...
And for dish # 2, if you are in the mood for something really rich and very cherry, cherry cheesecake jubilee is for you! I don't want to know how many calories are in these considering it consist of a whole stick of butter, a whole tub of cherry frosting, and TWO 8 oz packages of cream cheese. It's very rich and sweet. But I like it!

Here is the recipe for these yummy things: cherrycheesecakebars
I brought these to the Inlaws on Sunday. Nick liked them alot, he ate like 4 and Matt's Mom ate two. If you don't like super sweet things, and things that are cherry, then you probably won't like this desert. But I like it, because I have a seriously bad sweet tooth :)
65) Cook 25 new dishes (Deserts, Main dishes, sides)
So here is the first new dish that I made:
It was ok tasting, I doesn't look that good. lol. It's basically beef, salsa, chili powder and mac and cheese. You can garnish it is with tortilla chips and sour cream. I probably won't make it again
EDIT** Matt just walked by and said "Eww what is that? It looks like vomit!" Funny thing is he ate it about a month ago. hahah...
And for dish # 2, if you are in the mood for something really rich and very cherry, cherry cheesecake jubilee is for you! I don't want to know how many calories are in these considering it consist of a whole stick of butter, a whole tub of cherry frosting, and TWO 8 oz packages of cream cheese. It's very rich and sweet. But I like it!
Here is the recipe for these yummy things: cherrycheesecakebars
I brought these to the Inlaws on Sunday. Nick liked them alot, he ate like 4 and Matt's Mom ate two. If you don't like super sweet things, and things that are cherry, then you probably won't like this desert. But I like it, because I have a seriously bad sweet tooth :)
So I have just crossed off 99 off the list:
99) Complete a Listography
Here is my listography:
What is a listography you may ask?
Well it's basically a bunch of lists. You can generate random ones or create your own topic. I don't have too many lists, but I ran out of ideas, or didn't like the generated ones. I know I'm boring. Enjoy! I like all the pretty colors I made for my lists :)
99) Complete a Listography
Here is my listography:
What is a listography you may ask?
Well it's basically a bunch of lists. You can generate random ones or create your own topic. I don't have too many lists, but I ran out of ideas, or didn't like the generated ones. I know I'm boring. Enjoy! I like all the pretty colors I made for my lists :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Work it out and kick some butt verison 2.0 is epic fail
Yes, Epic fail again on goal #95. (Work out 4 times a week for 45 minutes, for a total of 12 weeks) But this time I have an good excuse. I worked out on that Monday, and then after that is when I started having some healthy problems. I started having really bad pains on my right and left side. It seems to hurt more when I sit, So because I was in pain, I have not been running. I went to the doctor on that following Thursday, did a blood test and urine test, no UTI or other infections, but she gave me an antibiotic to see if that would help. Well this past Monday the pain got worst, called doctor again she referred me to my OBGYN and said that maybe the pain is a pelvic inflammatory issue. So I get an appointment that day for OBGYN, at this point pain is getting really bad. She wasn't very helpful, and scheduled me for an ultrasound at the hospital and to see her in two weeks. Well fast forward to this past Thursday, pain was getting worst, so bad to the point it was bringing me to tears. So I ended up going to the hospital, they ran some test, ruled out pregnancy though I didn't think I was pregnant in the first place and did the ultrasound. Well in the ultrasound a small ovarian cyst showed up, but it wasn't big enough to be causing all the pain the doctor told me. He said the pain I was having was intestinal spasms which could be a result of having colitis. Though he wasn't officially going to diagnosis me with colitis that day because they would have to do an colonoscopy. So he prescribed me some medicine to help with the spasms I am having. I don't know if the medicine is helping completely because I'm still not feeling that great though I'm thinking maybe I need to watch my diet more, because after I eat certain things it seems like my side hurts more. My mom has colitis so it makes sense why I would have it, I just don't understand why something like this would cause so much pain. It sucks if this is what I have, because pretty much everything I eat right now, are things that I shouldn't eat and will make colitis worst. I've been so frustrated with doctors in the last two weeks, I just want to know what is wrong with me, and I'm not getting any straight answers. Boo. So when all this pain goes away and I'm officially better I will try #95 off my list again.
Also #61 Ride a train across America and # 6 go to Las Vega will be officially happening next month. This plan has been in the works since last December. We just bought our Amtrack tickets a last week to ride the entire trip to and from Vegas. Yes I know, we will not be flying and it's pretty crazy considering it will be a 31 hour trip just to Vegas. We will be driving to Galesburg, IL which will be a 5 hour drive and then going on the train, and will have a sleeper car (Thank God) and will be getting of in Flagstaff, AZ to visit the Grand Canyon one night, and then we will be driving to Vegas. I wasn't really wanting to Amtrack it to Vegas, that was all Matt. Both of us have never flown in a plane, and Matt loves trains. So he one this arguement, and so we will be riding a train across America to and from. Yeah...I am going to be watching tons of movies and reading lots of books. We leave on Thursday September 23 and will be coming back on Saturday Oct 2nd. I'm super excited!
Also #61 Ride a train across America and # 6 go to Las Vega will be officially happening next month. This plan has been in the works since last December. We just bought our Amtrack tickets a last week to ride the entire trip to and from Vegas. Yes I know, we will not be flying and it's pretty crazy considering it will be a 31 hour trip just to Vegas. We will be driving to Galesburg, IL which will be a 5 hour drive and then going on the train, and will have a sleeper car (Thank God) and will be getting of in Flagstaff, AZ to visit the Grand Canyon one night, and then we will be driving to Vegas. I wasn't really wanting to Amtrack it to Vegas, that was all Matt. Both of us have never flown in a plane, and Matt loves trains. So he one this arguement, and so we will be riding a train across America to and from. Yeah...I am going to be watching tons of movies and reading lots of books. We leave on Thursday September 23 and will be coming back on Saturday Oct 2nd. I'm super excited!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Work it out and kick some buttt verison 2.0
So #95:
Work out 4 times a week for 3 months straight (1 hour)
was an epic fail after doing it for about 3 weeks. So I'm am trying again. But since I realized that working out for an hour just takes WAY to much of my time. So I'm modifying my goal to 4 times a weeks for 3 months straight for at least 45 minutes. I'm hoping that 45 minutes is more feasible and I can achieve the goal.
So I started today and went jogging. Boy do I feel out of shape for not working out for about a month.
So my goal will be done by October 17, 2010.
Lets hope that I can stick to it this time :)
Work out 4 times a week for 3 months straight (1 hour)
was an epic fail after doing it for about 3 weeks. So I'm am trying again. But since I realized that working out for an hour just takes WAY to much of my time. So I'm modifying my goal to 4 times a weeks for 3 months straight for at least 45 minutes. I'm hoping that 45 minutes is more feasible and I can achieve the goal.
So I started today and went jogging. Boy do I feel out of shape for not working out for about a month.
So my goal will be done by October 17, 2010.
Lets hope that I can stick to it this time :)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Just because it isn't on the list doesn't mean it isn't AWESOME
So there are a few things that I have done lately that really aren't on the list, but I thought I would share. It is kind of funny, because lately I have been doing stuff that I really wanted to do, but never thought I would get the opportunity. So I didn't put them on my list. And can I just say, if you haven't heard me say this before, coming up with 101 things to do in 1001 days, was very hard for me. It took me at least 3-4 days to come up with 101 things. It is funny because of course after I came up with these things, I have thought of 20 other things I could of put of the list. But I'll just have to make another list after I do this list :)
So the something fun I did, that I actually wanted to originally put on the list, but never did, because I thought I would never have the opportunity to. And that is ride a motorcycle. I completely forgot my cousin Mark recently bought a motorcycle. The motorcycle looks like something an old man would ride but that is beside the point. Anyways when I visited my grandparents' house for Fourth of July, Mark was there with his motorcycle, so I saw it as a perfect opportunity to ride one. I always thought it would be a lot of fun to ride on a motorcycle and can I say it is tons of fun!
Though I'm not going to lie that it completely scared the shit out of me pretty much the entire time I was riding. I of course was wearing a helmet, the helmet was very odd looking, it looked like a helmet you wear when riding a horse. So I rode on a motorcycle with my cousin Mark, I hope he wasn't creeped out that I had a death grip on him. We took a little 2 mile ride on a main road, and the entire time I was praying and saying a Hail Mary, just because I seriously felt like we could easily fall off the bike and I plummet to my death. But that didn't happen, and I actually enjoyed it once I got over the fear of dying. lol.
Here is a pic of me riding the awesome motorcycle!

Another awesome thing was I got to see Gin Blossoms super close up, at a free concert. I heart the Gin Blossoms, they are one of my favorite things of the 90's. My favorite songs from them is Hey Jealousy and Found out about you. My awesome mom got us super close seats, I was probably about 10 feet from them. The only crappy part was that is rained before the concert, and I was soaking wet. But it was totally worth it, and the lead singer was so hot in his jeans and little bucket hat.
Here is a pic of the Gin Blossoms at the concert we went to:

And the other awesome thing we did just this past Tuesday was go to a Chicago and Doobie Brothers concert down in Riverbend. It was sooooooo amazing. Granted Matt and I were about the youngest ones there at the concert, it was almost a sold out concert. There were barely any empty seats. Matt's mom and dad went with us too. We were sitting in the very back row, but we were in dead center and had a pretty good view. Doobie Brothers was my favorite, they can really rock it out. Chicago wasn't too bad though. My favorite part was at the end when both bands played their songs together, so there were like 16 men playing and singing at once. It was a great concert. The only part I didn't like was when Chicago had some lady come up the stage and sing their ENTIRE song, apparently she paid thousands of dollars to sing live on the stage with them. And it was terrible sounding, it sounded like bad karaoke, and you could barely hear her sing, I wanted to hear the real thing not some random lady singing. If I paid thousands of dollars to sing live on stage with a famous band, I'm going to totally bust it out and rock it. Anyways here is a pic of the concert:

and something I have been obsessing over lately that is not on the list, is completing the Rubik Cube. I am so close! When I do, I'm taking a picture of it to show the entire world. I'm going to feel so proud when I solve the Rubik Cube. I want to be one of those people that is able to solve in under 20 moves. That would be awesome.
So the something fun I did, that I actually wanted to originally put on the list, but never did, because I thought I would never have the opportunity to. And that is ride a motorcycle. I completely forgot my cousin Mark recently bought a motorcycle. The motorcycle looks like something an old man would ride but that is beside the point. Anyways when I visited my grandparents' house for Fourth of July, Mark was there with his motorcycle, so I saw it as a perfect opportunity to ride one. I always thought it would be a lot of fun to ride on a motorcycle and can I say it is tons of fun!
Though I'm not going to lie that it completely scared the shit out of me pretty much the entire time I was riding. I of course was wearing a helmet, the helmet was very odd looking, it looked like a helmet you wear when riding a horse. So I rode on a motorcycle with my cousin Mark, I hope he wasn't creeped out that I had a death grip on him. We took a little 2 mile ride on a main road, and the entire time I was praying and saying a Hail Mary, just because I seriously felt like we could easily fall off the bike and I plummet to my death. But that didn't happen, and I actually enjoyed it once I got over the fear of dying. lol.
Here is a pic of me riding the awesome motorcycle!
Another awesome thing was I got to see Gin Blossoms super close up, at a free concert. I heart the Gin Blossoms, they are one of my favorite things of the 90's. My favorite songs from them is Hey Jealousy and Found out about you. My awesome mom got us super close seats, I was probably about 10 feet from them. The only crappy part was that is rained before the concert, and I was soaking wet. But it was totally worth it, and the lead singer was so hot in his jeans and little bucket hat.
Here is a pic of the Gin Blossoms at the concert we went to:
And the other awesome thing we did just this past Tuesday was go to a Chicago and Doobie Brothers concert down in Riverbend. It was sooooooo amazing. Granted Matt and I were about the youngest ones there at the concert, it was almost a sold out concert. There were barely any empty seats. Matt's mom and dad went with us too. We were sitting in the very back row, but we were in dead center and had a pretty good view. Doobie Brothers was my favorite, they can really rock it out. Chicago wasn't too bad though. My favorite part was at the end when both bands played their songs together, so there were like 16 men playing and singing at once. It was a great concert. The only part I didn't like was when Chicago had some lady come up the stage and sing their ENTIRE song, apparently she paid thousands of dollars to sing live on the stage with them. And it was terrible sounding, it sounded like bad karaoke, and you could barely hear her sing, I wanted to hear the real thing not some random lady singing. If I paid thousands of dollars to sing live on stage with a famous band, I'm going to totally bust it out and rock it. Anyways here is a pic of the concert:
and something I have been obsessing over lately that is not on the list, is completing the Rubik Cube. I am so close! When I do, I'm taking a picture of it to show the entire world. I'm going to feel so proud when I solve the Rubik Cube. I want to be one of those people that is able to solve in under 20 moves. That would be awesome.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Cedar Point fun!
On Friday July 2nd my mom and brother Derrick went with me to Cedar Point which is in Sandusky, Ohio.
So that crossed #40 off the list
Go to Cedar Point
I always wanted to go toe Cedar Point, the closest Amusement Park to me is Kings Island, and I'm kind of getting tired of that park, because I've been there so many times, so I was looking for something new. I know Cedar Point is well known for their roller coasters and I LOVE roller coasters. I just love the thrill of them.
It ended up being about a three hour drive for us. We left around 7:30 in the morning, and got there about 10:30. What is so neat about Cedar Point is it is surrounded by water, and if you look at the map you would think the park is very small, but looks are deceiving, the park is really big. There are so many rides. And what I loved about it is it has sooooooo many roller coasters! We went on about 10 out of the 15 roller coaster. We didn't go to the water park, and never even found it, because the park was so big. (But didn't want to go to that part anyways since it cost extra) Though we went on their 3 water rides. And of course I got drenched. I made the mistake of wearing tan shorts and pink underwear. So when I got wet, my bright hot pink underwear was showing through my shorts. oops. Oh well. I thought the whole park should know what color of panties I was wearing. :)
My favorite roller coaster was the mean streak, wasn't as good as the Beast at Kings Island (they are both wooden roller coasters) but it was still a lot of fun. The roller coaster that was super fun but really scary was the Dragster, I had my eyes closed the entire time. The ride is really fast, it is the world's third fastest roller coaster. You go 140 miles in 3.5 seconds and then up this giant hill and down it very fast. It was a great thrill. The roller coaster I liked the least was I forget the name of it, but it was one where you stand up, and I hated it because my head bounced side to side, and after wards I felts so sick and dizzy. It was not a fun ride. We rode about 25 rides. It wasn't too crowded. The longest we had to stay in a line was about 30 minutes. We left the park around 8:30. It was definitely worth the trip! I am so glad I had that on my list. What was also neat was you can leave the park to go to Lake Erie, since the park is surrounded by it. I will say visiting Sandusky, Ohio has given me a new love for Ohio. I liked it so much I would LOVE to move up by the lake though I know Matt would never go for it. For those who know me I live in Ohio, and I think it is such a BORING and non-exciting state but visiting Sandusky has made me like Ohio 40 percent more! It was so gorgeous up there!
I definitely want to visit Cedar Point again and spend a weekend at the lake and go para-sailing or something.
Here are some pics from our trip:

So that crossed #40 off the list
Go to Cedar Point
I always wanted to go toe Cedar Point, the closest Amusement Park to me is Kings Island, and I'm kind of getting tired of that park, because I've been there so many times, so I was looking for something new. I know Cedar Point is well known for their roller coasters and I LOVE roller coasters. I just love the thrill of them.
It ended up being about a three hour drive for us. We left around 7:30 in the morning, and got there about 10:30. What is so neat about Cedar Point is it is surrounded by water, and if you look at the map you would think the park is very small, but looks are deceiving, the park is really big. There are so many rides. And what I loved about it is it has sooooooo many roller coasters! We went on about 10 out of the 15 roller coaster. We didn't go to the water park, and never even found it, because the park was so big. (But didn't want to go to that part anyways since it cost extra) Though we went on their 3 water rides. And of course I got drenched. I made the mistake of wearing tan shorts and pink underwear. So when I got wet, my bright hot pink underwear was showing through my shorts. oops. Oh well. I thought the whole park should know what color of panties I was wearing. :)
My favorite roller coaster was the mean streak, wasn't as good as the Beast at Kings Island (they are both wooden roller coasters) but it was still a lot of fun. The roller coaster that was super fun but really scary was the Dragster, I had my eyes closed the entire time. The ride is really fast, it is the world's third fastest roller coaster. You go 140 miles in 3.5 seconds and then up this giant hill and down it very fast. It was a great thrill. The roller coaster I liked the least was I forget the name of it, but it was one where you stand up, and I hated it because my head bounced side to side, and after wards I felts so sick and dizzy. It was not a fun ride. We rode about 25 rides. It wasn't too crowded. The longest we had to stay in a line was about 30 minutes. We left the park around 8:30. It was definitely worth the trip! I am so glad I had that on my list. What was also neat was you can leave the park to go to Lake Erie, since the park is surrounded by it. I will say visiting Sandusky, Ohio has given me a new love for Ohio. I liked it so much I would LOVE to move up by the lake though I know Matt would never go for it. For those who know me I live in Ohio, and I think it is such a BORING and non-exciting state but visiting Sandusky has made me like Ohio 40 percent more! It was so gorgeous up there!
I definitely want to visit Cedar Point again and spend a weekend at the lake and go para-sailing or something.
Here are some pics from our trip:
Donate blood!
what a busy weekend I had!
So it is official I crossed #8) Donate Blood off my list
On Thursday July 1st, 2010 I donated blood. It wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be. The people that worked there we so nice, I felt like I was getting 5-star treatment, which makes sense because I they want to treat people really nice so they will donate blood again. When I arrived they took my picture so in the next few weeks I will get a blood card in the mail that I can show if I donate blood again. When I first checked in these two girls came in to donate blood, they told me the worst part of the whole thing would be the finger prick. Which I disagree, the finger prick wasn't that bad. They had to prick my finger to make sure my white blood cell count was good. If it wasn't then I wouldn't be able to donate blood. The nurse said my white blood cell count was really good. So then I was off to donate blood, I was a little nervous, but they made me feel very comfortable. There was a nice chair to lay on when they were drawing my blood. The part I disliked the most was the part when the needle was in my arm. I hate the sensation of a needle inside my arm, I hated it two years ago when I had an IV in my arm when I broke my arm. I just wanted the needle to get out of my arm asap. I thought seeing the blood come out of me would freak me out, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Since the blood flows out in a tube into the bag, it doesn't look as scary. It only lasted about 10-15 minutes. And they gave me a can of pop as soon as it was over, so my blood sugar would get back to normal. I was surprised that I didn't feel like I was going to pass out after wards. The girl right next to me who was getting her blood drawn did pass out though. When I was in the same room with her, she said that she was getting very dizzy. And then when I was in the other room eating cookies, I she came out and told her friend that she passed out. I'm glad that didn't witness that, it probably would of freaked me out. When I left I got a tee-shirt, and when I looked in the mirror, I looked like pale death. My armed hurt a little after wards, but not to bad. Overall the experience was not bad at all, and I feel great that a part of me will be used to help other people. I might even donate blood again, we'll see. Though I have to wait 46 days or something until I donate blood again. I'm curious to know what blood type I am, I think I am a type O (either positive or negative). I'll find out when I get my little card in the mail.
Here is some evidence that I donated blood:
This is my awesome green bandage I got from where they took the blood out:

Here is a pic of me with my First time blood donnor sticker:

And my awesome free t-shirt I got for donating blood:
So it is official I crossed #8) Donate Blood off my list
On Thursday July 1st, 2010 I donated blood. It wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be. The people that worked there we so nice, I felt like I was getting 5-star treatment, which makes sense because I they want to treat people really nice so they will donate blood again. When I arrived they took my picture so in the next few weeks I will get a blood card in the mail that I can show if I donate blood again. When I first checked in these two girls came in to donate blood, they told me the worst part of the whole thing would be the finger prick. Which I disagree, the finger prick wasn't that bad. They had to prick my finger to make sure my white blood cell count was good. If it wasn't then I wouldn't be able to donate blood. The nurse said my white blood cell count was really good. So then I was off to donate blood, I was a little nervous, but they made me feel very comfortable. There was a nice chair to lay on when they were drawing my blood. The part I disliked the most was the part when the needle was in my arm. I hate the sensation of a needle inside my arm, I hated it two years ago when I had an IV in my arm when I broke my arm. I just wanted the needle to get out of my arm asap. I thought seeing the blood come out of me would freak me out, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Since the blood flows out in a tube into the bag, it doesn't look as scary. It only lasted about 10-15 minutes. And they gave me a can of pop as soon as it was over, so my blood sugar would get back to normal. I was surprised that I didn't feel like I was going to pass out after wards. The girl right next to me who was getting her blood drawn did pass out though. When I was in the same room with her, she said that she was getting very dizzy. And then when I was in the other room eating cookies, I she came out and told her friend that she passed out. I'm glad that didn't witness that, it probably would of freaked me out. When I left I got a tee-shirt, and when I looked in the mirror, I looked like pale death. My armed hurt a little after wards, but not to bad. Overall the experience was not bad at all, and I feel great that a part of me will be used to help other people. I might even donate blood again, we'll see. Though I have to wait 46 days or something until I donate blood again. I'm curious to know what blood type I am, I think I am a type O (either positive or negative). I'll find out when I get my little card in the mail.
Here is some evidence that I donated blood:
This is my awesome green bandage I got from where they took the blood out:
Here is a pic of me with my First time blood donnor sticker:
And my awesome free t-shirt I got for donating blood:
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Epic Fail :(
So #95 Exercise four times a week for 3 months is a bust. I guess I am going to have to start this one over again :( I think I was like on week 3, but last week got behind, and then got too busy, and I haven't worked out since Sunday, and I will be too busy all this week. It is just SOOOOO hard to find an hour of the day to dedicate to working out, and not to mention be modivated to want to work out. So I'm going to try this again hopefully, and be suceussful. I don't care if it takes me ten tries I'm going to do this!
On an exciting note I hope to donate blood tomorrow, and I'm going to Cedar point this Friday with my Mom and Brother Derrick! Which is on the list! :)
On an exciting note I hope to donate blood tomorrow, and I'm going to Cedar point this Friday with my Mom and Brother Derrick! Which is on the list! :)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Whoever said carving your name into a tree was easy LIED
Today I have completed #49 off the list:
49) Carve my name into a tree
And can I just say that was a pretty hard thing to do. It took me FOUR different trees, yes FOUR to get it right. So my sad 3 failed attempts until finally I was able to do it on my 4th try. And it really didn't look that great, but who cares my name is marked on one of our trees in the front yard. Really hideous letters and scribbles are marked on 3 other trees in our yard as well. I always thought carving a name into a tree was easy, wow was I wrong. It took me a good half hour until I finally found a tree that liked my name.
So let me show you my carving adventure through pictures:
This is tree number one. First I had a crappy pocket knife on Matt's key chain which was not cutting anything, so I go into the house a grab a kitchen knife, and Matt goes "Megan what are you doing." Little me continues walking and goes outside to attempt using a kitchen knife. Of course Matt was wondering what I was doing with that thing, he stopped me, which I am glad because I probably would of cut my finger off or somehow mess up my kitchen knife. Matt tells me he actually has a better pocket knife elsewhere. So I chip chip away, to realize, the way the bark is there is no way I will be able to carve my name into this thing

So I go to tree number two and I chip away some bark, to realize the way this bark is there is no way I can chip it off. So I put my name on it vertically. It looked really bad, but now looking at the picture well at least it looks like my name, but me being a perfectionist, I was not happy with the results of my name carving, so I went to tree number three.

So tree number 3, is really black and a smoother surface, because at this point I finally realize I need a tree with smooth bark, expect we have no trees like that. So again I attempt to carve my name, but only get to "MEG" because I have no more room because the smooth surface was ended, now there is some bumpy surface. So I gave up on tree number 3, and I was really hoping tree number 3 was the charm. But it was not!

So finally tree number 4 was a success! Sort of, well I was able to get my name in there. I even tried to make a smiley face, but that turned out pretty bad. It was like at the butt of the tree, so it was kind of awkward trying to get my name over the crack part of the tree, and it was fun sitting in the mulch that Matt has around the tree, because the smooth surface I found on the tree was only about two feet from the ground.

So now I have my name in four different places in our yard, so the next owners of our house will always remember Megan, the girl that had a REALLY hard time writing her name in a tree.
49) Carve my name into a tree
And can I just say that was a pretty hard thing to do. It took me FOUR different trees, yes FOUR to get it right. So my sad 3 failed attempts until finally I was able to do it on my 4th try. And it really didn't look that great, but who cares my name is marked on one of our trees in the front yard. Really hideous letters and scribbles are marked on 3 other trees in our yard as well. I always thought carving a name into a tree was easy, wow was I wrong. It took me a good half hour until I finally found a tree that liked my name.
So let me show you my carving adventure through pictures:
This is tree number one. First I had a crappy pocket knife on Matt's key chain which was not cutting anything, so I go into the house a grab a kitchen knife, and Matt goes "Megan what are you doing." Little me continues walking and goes outside to attempt using a kitchen knife. Of course Matt was wondering what I was doing with that thing, he stopped me, which I am glad because I probably would of cut my finger off or somehow mess up my kitchen knife. Matt tells me he actually has a better pocket knife elsewhere. So I chip chip away, to realize, the way the bark is there is no way I will be able to carve my name into this thing
So I go to tree number two and I chip away some bark, to realize the way this bark is there is no way I can chip it off. So I put my name on it vertically. It looked really bad, but now looking at the picture well at least it looks like my name, but me being a perfectionist, I was not happy with the results of my name carving, so I went to tree number three.
So tree number 3, is really black and a smoother surface, because at this point I finally realize I need a tree with smooth bark, expect we have no trees like that. So again I attempt to carve my name, but only get to "MEG" because I have no more room because the smooth surface was ended, now there is some bumpy surface. So I gave up on tree number 3, and I was really hoping tree number 3 was the charm. But it was not!
So finally tree number 4 was a success! Sort of, well I was able to get my name in there. I even tried to make a smiley face, but that turned out pretty bad. It was like at the butt of the tree, so it was kind of awkward trying to get my name over the crack part of the tree, and it was fun sitting in the mulch that Matt has around the tree, because the smooth surface I found on the tree was only about two feet from the ground.
So now I have my name in four different places in our yard, so the next owners of our house will always remember Megan, the girl that had a REALLY hard time writing her name in a tree.
Some Updated Progess so far on the list:
Here are some updates on the current things I have been working on my list:
8) Donate blood
I'm hoping to do this one some next this week, maybe we will see. I found a great place in Dayton that I can do it at, so I was thinking one day after work I could go there to donate blood. Even though I know it is seriously going to freak me out, I really want to do this.
18) Read 50 books (Currently have read 2/50)
So far I have read 2 books and currently on my third, which I haven't touched in over a week, because it just isn't as exciting as the other books I was reading in the Meg Cabot series. I hate when books do that to me. I love getting so interested in a book that I just can't put it down.
22) Watch 26 movies I have never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet (Currently have watched 9/26)
So far I have watched 9 movies that have started with A,B,C, G, I, O, S, V, and W
I know I am going to have a fun time finding a x, and z, and q, movie that I have not seen. And can I tell you I LOVE having Netflix, it makes it very helpful watching movies I have not seen. Because if you know me I used to work at Blockbuster for about 8 years, and I would get free movies to watch, so I have seen TONS of movies. Now that I don't work there, I feel like I have a lot of movie watching to catch up with.
25) Do the splits
So lately I really like to just randomly bust out the splits. Or at least attempt to. Which I am still not successful with. I am SOOOOOO close! My legs are literally about 3 inches off the ground that is how close I am. I ended up getting rug burn about a month ago for trying to do the splits. A co-worker gave me some good tips on how to do the splits. She said I should be able to take my chin and touch my knee while spreading my legs out which I can do. I just need to stretch my legs out more, and get those muscles ready to be super flexible. I have been at least giving me some good random entertainment showing them my sad attempt to do the splits. It is a good laugh is nothing else. I hope to be able to do the splits in the next month or so, We will see :)
29) Complete a 365 day photo challenge (Currently working on started on May 18, 2010)
I am having so much fun with this one, and I have heard from some people that they enjoy looking at my pics, and that they look forward to looking at them. Most days are pretty easy to find something to take a picture of. But other days I have no idea. So when you see a random object in my pictures, that is why. But I can't wait when the year is completed and I can look back at all my fun pics!
65) Cook 25 new dishes (Deserts, Main dishes, sides) (Cooked 1 out of 25)
I feel like cooking 25 new dishes is going to take forever! I hate having to think outside the box, which is usually why I make the same stuff all the time. And plus all the recipes I want to make call for expensive ingredients.
About a few weeks ago I made this taco mac stuff which has salsa, chili powder, macaroni and cheese, and meat. You could also garnish it with tortilla chips. It wasn't too bad. Matt liked it. So that is always a good sign. I don't know if I would make it again.
95) Work out 4 times a week for 3 months straight (1 hour)(Currently working on)
This is such a hard one. I find myself so bust to find time to work out 4 times a week. Like this week I had to work out on Monday for it to be counted for last week. (Which I started that week on Wednesday) and then this week same thing I need to work out today, which would be the third time, and then work out tomorrow which will me my 4th time. I know the four times a week isn't exactly from Sunday to Sunday, but it is in a 7 day period. I do enjoy working out though it is just so hard finding the time. I do notice that I am already starting to look a little toner from all the working out :)
I'll probably do something off my list today, not sure what though. Maybe I will carve my name into a tree, hopefully I won't cut a finger off. :)
8) Donate blood
I'm hoping to do this one some next this week, maybe we will see. I found a great place in Dayton that I can do it at, so I was thinking one day after work I could go there to donate blood. Even though I know it is seriously going to freak me out, I really want to do this.
18) Read 50 books (Currently have read 2/50)
So far I have read 2 books and currently on my third, which I haven't touched in over a week, because it just isn't as exciting as the other books I was reading in the Meg Cabot series. I hate when books do that to me. I love getting so interested in a book that I just can't put it down.
22) Watch 26 movies I have never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet (Currently have watched 9/26)
So far I have watched 9 movies that have started with A,B,C, G, I, O, S, V, and W
I know I am going to have a fun time finding a x, and z, and q, movie that I have not seen. And can I tell you I LOVE having Netflix, it makes it very helpful watching movies I have not seen. Because if you know me I used to work at Blockbuster for about 8 years, and I would get free movies to watch, so I have seen TONS of movies. Now that I don't work there, I feel like I have a lot of movie watching to catch up with.
25) Do the splits
So lately I really like to just randomly bust out the splits. Or at least attempt to. Which I am still not successful with. I am SOOOOOO close! My legs are literally about 3 inches off the ground that is how close I am. I ended up getting rug burn about a month ago for trying to do the splits. A co-worker gave me some good tips on how to do the splits. She said I should be able to take my chin and touch my knee while spreading my legs out which I can do. I just need to stretch my legs out more, and get those muscles ready to be super flexible. I have been at least giving me some good random entertainment showing them my sad attempt to do the splits. It is a good laugh is nothing else. I hope to be able to do the splits in the next month or so, We will see :)
29) Complete a 365 day photo challenge (Currently working on started on May 18, 2010)
I am having so much fun with this one, and I have heard from some people that they enjoy looking at my pics, and that they look forward to looking at them. Most days are pretty easy to find something to take a picture of. But other days I have no idea. So when you see a random object in my pictures, that is why. But I can't wait when the year is completed and I can look back at all my fun pics!
65) Cook 25 new dishes (Deserts, Main dishes, sides) (Cooked 1 out of 25)
I feel like cooking 25 new dishes is going to take forever! I hate having to think outside the box, which is usually why I make the same stuff all the time. And plus all the recipes I want to make call for expensive ingredients.
About a few weeks ago I made this taco mac stuff which has salsa, chili powder, macaroni and cheese, and meat. You could also garnish it with tortilla chips. It wasn't too bad. Matt liked it. So that is always a good sign. I don't know if I would make it again.
95) Work out 4 times a week for 3 months straight (1 hour)(Currently working on)
This is such a hard one. I find myself so bust to find time to work out 4 times a week. Like this week I had to work out on Monday for it to be counted for last week. (Which I started that week on Wednesday) and then this week same thing I need to work out today, which would be the third time, and then work out tomorrow which will me my 4th time. I know the four times a week isn't exactly from Sunday to Sunday, but it is in a 7 day period. I do enjoy working out though it is just so hard finding the time. I do notice that I am already starting to look a little toner from all the working out :)
I'll probably do something off my list today, not sure what though. Maybe I will carve my name into a tree, hopefully I won't cut a finger off. :)
New Changes to My Blog!
I thought it was time to revamp the old blog, and make it more user friendly. I hope it isn't too bright for your eyes. After changing the looks of my blog three different times I have finally found the ideal look for my blog. And apparently according to Matt having a picture background on a web page is so 10 years ago, but whatever. If you know me in person you know I love bright colors, so I feel this new look suits my personality. :) And also there are now tabs to see more info about the 101/1001 day zero project and my 101/1001 list as well. If there are any glitches let me know. Also I have a new counter when my list will be done, which is 959 days, though I'm not a 100 percent sure if my counter is working correctly because I think it was at 959 days yesterday, so we'll see.
I smile every time I look at this pretty blog :) Well at least I like it.
I smile every time I look at this pretty blog :) Well at least I like it.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The month of no pop is finally over!!
It's finally have been a month of no pop and I have survived! I rewarded myself today with a cherry coke. Yummy. I will say I did find myself with drinking an absurd amount of coffee. I never usually even drink coffee, but I usually have a pop when I get tired, so instead I had coffee, though I didn't put as much sugar on it.
So I can cross that off the list :)
And I completely forgot to mention this, and I forgot it was on my list, but about three weeks ago we bought a new fridge!
Which means # 89 Is also off my list!!
And here is a pic of the new fridge:

Can I also add the working out thing for four times a week is going very well, I have so far have kept up with this, I love running, yesterday I ran/walked 4 miles in 50 minutes. I hope to be able to do 6 miles soon.
So I can cross that off the list :)
And I completely forgot to mention this, and I forgot it was on my list, but about three weeks ago we bought a new fridge!
Which means # 89 Is also off my list!!
And here is a pic of the new fridge:
Can I also add the working out thing for four times a week is going very well, I have so far have kept up with this, I love running, yesterday I ran/walked 4 miles in 50 minutes. I hope to be able to do 6 miles soon.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Work it out and kick some butt!
Today I have decided to start 95 on the list:
95) Work out 4 times a week for 3 months straight (1 hour)
Main reason is I'm starting not like the way my body is looking, it is time to tone things up and get in shape! I have a membership at the YMCA, but I barely use it. Lately I have been only going once a week. So I need to get better use out of my YMCA membership, and I want to look better and feel better about myself. My main concentration is working on my belly. It is so flabby, It needs to be flatten. Also doing this goal I'm hoping to killing a few birds with one stone like look good in a 2 piece, do 100 sit-ups and run in a 10 k. So today I just worked out for an entire hour. I ran/walked 3 miles and did some other exercises for the other 20 minutes. Boy an hour feels like a long time. I love running, so I'm hoping to spend most of my workout time running. So Hopefully I can do this, I know dedicating an 1 hour four times a week to working out will be hard, but I will say I love the way I feel after I work out.
So this will be done in 12 weeks on September 5th (would be the last day of the work out o'fun? ) Hopefully this will help tone me, if nothing else I'll feel healthy!
Can I say I have about a week and a half left on giving up pop. And I want a pop soooooo bad. But I'm almost there! June 17th is my last day!
95) Work out 4 times a week for 3 months straight (1 hour)
Main reason is I'm starting not like the way my body is looking, it is time to tone things up and get in shape! I have a membership at the YMCA, but I barely use it. Lately I have been only going once a week. So I need to get better use out of my YMCA membership, and I want to look better and feel better about myself. My main concentration is working on my belly. It is so flabby, It needs to be flatten. Also doing this goal I'm hoping to killing a few birds with one stone like look good in a 2 piece, do 100 sit-ups and run in a 10 k. So today I just worked out for an entire hour. I ran/walked 3 miles and did some other exercises for the other 20 minutes. Boy an hour feels like a long time. I love running, so I'm hoping to spend most of my workout time running. So Hopefully I can do this, I know dedicating an 1 hour four times a week to working out will be hard, but I will say I love the way I feel after I work out.
So this will be done in 12 weeks on September 5th (would be the last day of the work out o'fun? ) Hopefully this will help tone me, if nothing else I'll feel healthy!
Can I say I have about a week and a half left on giving up pop. And I want a pop soooooo bad. But I'm almost there! June 17th is my last day!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Let's free my mind!
I feel like doing something on my list, since it has almost been over a week since I have posted on my blog. So I am doing number 12 off the list.
12) Answer 50 Questions that Will Free your mind
Can I say, these questions definitely got me thinking, I don't know if it necessarily freed my mind.
P.S. I'm dying for a pop! Only two more weeks!
P.S.S. Sorry the format of my list is funky, I don't know why it is out of whack, when it looks normal on what I'm composing.
Here is my list:
1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 26, I'm only 26 and I
don't even know how old I am half the time, I keep thinking I am 26.
2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? Never Trying
3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so
many things we don’t do? Very good question, that is why I am doing the 1001 day
project, to help me do the things I want to do, but keep putting it off, because
I have to do other non-productive things like work and cook dinner, and clean the
4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
Definately, I am all talk.
5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? War
6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? What I am doing now, working with kids, and making them smile.
7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? Kind of a mixture of settling and doing what I believe in.
8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? Yes
9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? I would say 75 percent
10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Doing the right things
11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? This is a tough one, because I am known for going along with others if they are talking bad about someone. I am so bad for gossip and talking about others behind their backs. But if they were saying something really bad that I disagree with, I would definitely say something along the lines that what they are saying is not correct and this person is a great person.
12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Expect the
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? If it was a matter of life and death, YES
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Not directly, but yes
15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? The way I eat my cereal, I eat it dry without milk.
16) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? Because everyone has a different idea of what happiness is and what it means.
17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back? Become a parent, what is holding me back is money, and Husband, wanting to wait for the right time.
18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? No not really. I try to let go off things right away, and let bye-gones be bye-gones, there is no sense on dwelling on the past and what will never be.
19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? Probably Savannah GA, that place seems so beautiful and quaint. Seems like a great place to live.
20. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator
faster? Sometimes I do, when I'm being impatient. Even though I know it will not make it go up any faster.
21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? A joyful Simpleton. I already worry enough as it is, and it is not productive.
22. Why are you, you? Because God made me that way
23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? I'm not sure, I try to be.
24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives
right near you? Losing touch with a friend who lives right near you.
25. What are you most grateful for? Being alive
26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? I rather never be able to make new ones, because what is the sense making new memories, if you can't remember the old ones, memories makes up who you are and how you live your life.
27. Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first? Yes
28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? No
29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now? Yes, and it definitely doesn't matter now. Now it makes me laugh, now thinking about it.
30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special? Christmas of 1990. It was the biggest Christmas we had, and not only that I just remember it being such an amazing time with our Family, and I could see all the love and joy.
31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? When I'm working and going into the classrooms.
32. If not now, then when? Then never
33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? The satisfaction of doing it, you only live once, and if you never achieve it, then you'll never get to experience that feeling of success.
34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? Yes
35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because politics get mixed in the shuffle and distorts the true meaning of faith.
36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? No. I feel like there are still to many gray areas, even though most of it is all in black and white.
37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? Maybe.
38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work I
actually enjoy doing.
39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? Yes, I have
40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? Good question, I have no idea.
41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? I would try to or at least give them a call.
42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? No it isn't worth it, I rather be alive longer.
43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? Being alive is simply that, being
alive, but Truly living is making the best of the life you have, and living it to the fullest.
44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? Usually right away, because the more you think about it, the less likely you will do it.
45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? Because no one wants to be a failure. Sometimes we forget we are human.
46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Probably nothing.
47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? Good question I have no idea
48. What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? Matt, yes everyday.
49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that? No most likely not, unless something memorable happens.
50. Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? Sometimes my decisions are made by others, only because my decisions affect others.
12) Answer 50 Questions that Will Free your mind
Can I say, these questions definitely got me thinking, I don't know if it necessarily freed my mind.
P.S. I'm dying for a pop! Only two more weeks!
P.S.S. Sorry the format of my list is funky, I don't know why it is out of whack, when it looks normal on what I'm composing.
Here is my list:
1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 26, I'm only 26 and I
don't even know how old I am half the time, I keep thinking I am 26.
2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? Never Trying
3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so
many things we don’t do? Very good question, that is why I am doing the 1001 day
project, to help me do the things I want to do, but keep putting it off, because
I have to do other non-productive things like work and cook dinner, and clean the
4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
Definately, I am all talk.
5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? War
6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? What I am doing now, working with kids, and making them smile.
7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? Kind of a mixture of settling and doing what I believe in.
8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? Yes
9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? I would say 75 percent
10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Doing the right things
11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? This is a tough one, because I am known for going along with others if they are talking bad about someone. I am so bad for gossip and talking about others behind their backs. But if they were saying something really bad that I disagree with, I would definitely say something along the lines that what they are saying is not correct and this person is a great person.
12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Expect the
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? If it was a matter of life and death, YES
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Not directly, but yes
15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? The way I eat my cereal, I eat it dry without milk.
16) How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? Because everyone has a different idea of what happiness is and what it means.
17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back? Become a parent, what is holding me back is money, and Husband, wanting to wait for the right time.
18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? No not really. I try to let go off things right away, and let bye-gones be bye-gones, there is no sense on dwelling on the past and what will never be.
19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? Probably Savannah GA, that place seems so beautiful and quaint. Seems like a great place to live.
20. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator
faster? Sometimes I do, when I'm being impatient. Even though I know it will not make it go up any faster.
21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? A joyful Simpleton. I already worry enough as it is, and it is not productive.
22. Why are you, you? Because God made me that way
23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? I'm not sure, I try to be.
24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives
right near you? Losing touch with a friend who lives right near you.
25. What are you most grateful for? Being alive
26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? I rather never be able to make new ones, because what is the sense making new memories, if you can't remember the old ones, memories makes up who you are and how you live your life.
27. Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first? Yes
28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? No
29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now? Yes, and it definitely doesn't matter now. Now it makes me laugh, now thinking about it.
30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special? Christmas of 1990. It was the biggest Christmas we had, and not only that I just remember it being such an amazing time with our Family, and I could see all the love and joy.
31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? When I'm working and going into the classrooms.
32. If not now, then when? Then never
33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? The satisfaction of doing it, you only live once, and if you never achieve it, then you'll never get to experience that feeling of success.
34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? Yes
35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because politics get mixed in the shuffle and distorts the true meaning of faith.
36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? No. I feel like there are still to many gray areas, even though most of it is all in black and white.
37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? Maybe.
38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work I
actually enjoy doing.
39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? Yes, I have
40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? Good question, I have no idea.
41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? I would try to or at least give them a call.
42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? No it isn't worth it, I rather be alive longer.
43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? Being alive is simply that, being
alive, but Truly living is making the best of the life you have, and living it to the fullest.
44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? Usually right away, because the more you think about it, the less likely you will do it.
45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? Because no one wants to be a failure. Sometimes we forget we are human.
46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Probably nothing.
47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? Good question I have no idea
48. What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? Matt, yes everyday.
49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that? No most likely not, unless something memorable happens.
50. Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? Sometimes my decisions are made by others, only because my decisions affect others.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Nothing like drinking beers
So I've completed number 98 off my list:
98) Successfully drink an entire can of beer
So this may seem like a silly thing to have on one's list, but surprisingly enough I have never drank an entire can of beer. I have attempted to drink it, but I would always spit it off or only be able to drink a few sips of it, and then feel like I am about to hurl. I always drink Mike's Hard lemonade, or Smirnoff, or some kind of mix drink. I'm always a pain in the but at gatherings, because I won't drink beer. So the reason I have put this on my list, to expand my horizons, and who knows, maybe I will start drinking beer more often, because actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. So about a half hour ago, I opened a can of Miller lite, and took little sips of it, and ate some chips. And the more I started to drank it the more I realized it wasn't that bad. I think what helped is lately I have been eating a lot of beer bread, which I love! So drinking the beer just reminded me of the yummy taste of beer bread. I must say how surprised I am how buzzed I am from one beer, maybe because it is the first beer I have ever had, but drinking one bottle of Mike's Hard lemonade doesn't have that effect. hehehehe. And Can I say beer is a lot cheaper than mix drinks and malted beverages. So if you have any good types of beer to recommend, let me know, I am willing to try some different types.
Here are some pics to prove that I have definitely just had an entire beer:

98) Successfully drink an entire can of beer
So this may seem like a silly thing to have on one's list, but surprisingly enough I have never drank an entire can of beer. I have attempted to drink it, but I would always spit it off or only be able to drink a few sips of it, and then feel like I am about to hurl. I always drink Mike's Hard lemonade, or Smirnoff, or some kind of mix drink. I'm always a pain in the but at gatherings, because I won't drink beer. So the reason I have put this on my list, to expand my horizons, and who knows, maybe I will start drinking beer more often, because actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. So about a half hour ago, I opened a can of Miller lite, and took little sips of it, and ate some chips. And the more I started to drank it the more I realized it wasn't that bad. I think what helped is lately I have been eating a lot of beer bread, which I love! So drinking the beer just reminded me of the yummy taste of beer bread. I must say how surprised I am how buzzed I am from one beer, maybe because it is the first beer I have ever had, but drinking one bottle of Mike's Hard lemonade doesn't have that effect. hehehehe. And Can I say beer is a lot cheaper than mix drinks and malted beverages. So if you have any good types of beer to recommend, let me know, I am willing to try some different types.
Here are some pics to prove that I have definitely just had an entire beer:
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Leave an inspirational note:
Today I have just completed number 3 off the list. It is such a great feeling when I can cross something off my list!This is the one I have completed:
3)Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
I have just finished Meg Cabot's book Boy meets girl , and since another book I had was due this Saturday back to the library. (BTW I have a new obsession with Meg Cabot books, I love them!) I decided to go ahead and do number 3 off this list. I think this is a fun one! So I wrote an inspirational note, with mostly quotes in it, and sayings that I have made up about words of wisdom about life. So I folded up my note and put it in the book, and hopefully someone will read it and it will put a smile on their face.
Here are some pics of the note that I left:

Also I like to say, it is really hard to try to do the splits (which is on my list) I'm very close but still not there, It is going to take awhile. And I ended up getting rug burn on my foot today, I guess attempt to do the splits, caused my foot to rub against the carpet. So now I have a lovely mark on my foot.
Operation Pop is going great, though I am only on day 4. But so far not dying for pop.
I am also currently working on reading 50 books. I have just finished my first one, now 49 to go! Right now I'm watching Soapdish, (Which is a pretty stupid movie)now I have the S and A of the watching 26 movies from A-Z.
3)Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
I have just finished Meg Cabot's book Boy meets girl , and since another book I had was due this Saturday back to the library. (BTW I have a new obsession with Meg Cabot books, I love them!) I decided to go ahead and do number 3 off this list. I think this is a fun one! So I wrote an inspirational note, with mostly quotes in it, and sayings that I have made up about words of wisdom about life. So I folded up my note and put it in the book, and hopefully someone will read it and it will put a smile on their face.
Here are some pics of the note that I left:
Also I like to say, it is really hard to try to do the splits (which is on my list) I'm very close but still not there, It is going to take awhile. And I ended up getting rug burn on my foot today, I guess attempt to do the splits, caused my foot to rub against the carpet. So now I have a lovely mark on my foot.
Operation Pop is going great, though I am only on day 4. But so far not dying for pop.
I am also currently working on reading 50 books. I have just finished my first one, now 49 to go! Right now I'm watching Soapdish, (Which is a pretty stupid movie)now I have the S and A of the watching 26 movies from A-Z.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
365 Day Photo challenge:
Today I decided to start the 365 Day Photo Challenge. Which is this one off the list:
29. Complete the 365 Photo Challenge
How it works, is you take one picture each day for an entire year. So starting today, I will take pictures until May 18, 2011. I wasn't originally going to start this challenge today, and it would make sense to start in the beginning of the year, but it all started when I got Pizza at Little Caesar's. I was getting dinner, because I didn't feel like cooking tonight, after going grocery shopping for over an hour. So I am leaving the place with a pizza, crazy bread sticks, pizza sauce (note it is very HOT pizza sauce in a small container) and a 2 liter of pop. Well the pizza sauce came flying and it slide off the pizza box I was carrying, and spilled all over my left foot and shoe, and my pants leg. Then it was all over the concrete floor, by the entrance. So I had to go back into the place, and ask for another pizza sauce, and give the sad spilled empty pizza sauce container to the employee, and I'm sure they probably had to clean the big mess I left on the floor by the front entrance. They were probably laughing at me, and thinking WOW that girl doesn't know how to keep things in her hand. So it got me thinking if only I had my camera, I could of took a picture of the spill, and put it in my 365 challenge. But I didn't, so I took a picture of the aftermath of my foot, after wiping some of the sauce off my foot. And can I tell you my foot got burned a little from the sauce! So I am starting the challenge and I will be carrying my camera in my purse, to capture those funny moments. Because I do have quite a number of funny moments. The idea of this project is to take a picture that highlights the day, and then I will have a snapshot of an entire year to look back at. FUN! So I will be keeping my photos on Facebook.
Click here to see my 365 Photo Challenge
Here is the first picture for 365 Day Photo Challenge:
29. Complete the 365 Photo Challenge
How it works, is you take one picture each day for an entire year. So starting today, I will take pictures until May 18, 2011. I wasn't originally going to start this challenge today, and it would make sense to start in the beginning of the year, but it all started when I got Pizza at Little Caesar's. I was getting dinner, because I didn't feel like cooking tonight, after going grocery shopping for over an hour. So I am leaving the place with a pizza, crazy bread sticks, pizza sauce (note it is very HOT pizza sauce in a small container) and a 2 liter of pop. Well the pizza sauce came flying and it slide off the pizza box I was carrying, and spilled all over my left foot and shoe, and my pants leg. Then it was all over the concrete floor, by the entrance. So I had to go back into the place, and ask for another pizza sauce, and give the sad spilled empty pizza sauce container to the employee, and I'm sure they probably had to clean the big mess I left on the floor by the front entrance. They were probably laughing at me, and thinking WOW that girl doesn't know how to keep things in her hand. So it got me thinking if only I had my camera, I could of took a picture of the spill, and put it in my 365 challenge. But I didn't, so I took a picture of the aftermath of my foot, after wiping some of the sauce off my foot. And can I tell you my foot got burned a little from the sauce! So I am starting the challenge and I will be carrying my camera in my purse, to capture those funny moments. Because I do have quite a number of funny moments. The idea of this project is to take a picture that highlights the day, and then I will have a snapshot of an entire year to look back at. FUN! So I will be keeping my photos on Facebook.
Click here to see my 365 Photo Challenge
Here is the first picture for 365 Day Photo Challenge:
Monday, May 17, 2010
Operation No pop for a month!
So Today I have decided to start tackling this goal:
54. No Pop for a month.
By the way it is called POP not Soda. Well at least it is to me. I could have a long soda verses pop debate. When I think of soda, I think of baking soda. Soda doesn't sound as appealing as pop. When you drink POP it kind of makes a POP sound when you drink it.
But anyways I could go on forever on the silly pop tangent. So officially starting Today, I can not drink any pop for an entire month. So Basically no pop until June 17th, 2010. Let's see how good I can do on this. So far I am on day one, and I am doing just great. I'm not a serious pop drinker. Not like I used to be, I now drink more water than anything. Though a few weeks ago when I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I could not have any pop for a least a week. And I was dying, I felt this urge to drink something fizzy. I think it is one of those things when you know you can't have it, you want it more. So we'll see how I do on Operation No Pop.
If nothing else, maybe cutting some pop will get rid of this belly flap I have going on. . .
54. No Pop for a month.
By the way it is called POP not Soda. Well at least it is to me. I could have a long soda verses pop debate. When I think of soda, I think of baking soda. Soda doesn't sound as appealing as pop. When you drink POP it kind of makes a POP sound when you drink it.
But anyways I could go on forever on the silly pop tangent. So officially starting Today, I can not drink any pop for an entire month. So Basically no pop until June 17th, 2010. Let's see how good I can do on this. So far I am on day one, and I am doing just great. I'm not a serious pop drinker. Not like I used to be, I now drink more water than anything. Though a few weeks ago when I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I could not have any pop for a least a week. And I was dying, I felt this urge to drink something fizzy. I think it is one of those things when you know you can't have it, you want it more. So we'll see how I do on Operation No Pop.
If nothing else, maybe cutting some pop will get rid of this belly flap I have going on. . .
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Identify 100 things that make me happy
So I will complete number one off the list:
Identify 100 things that makes me happy.
So here we go, lets see how hard this is (in no particular order):
1) Matt, My husband
2) Marco, My cat
3) My Friends
4) My family
5) My job
6) Popcorn
7) Friends (The TV show)
8) Facebook
9) Thunderstorms
11) Reading books
12) Singing in the Shower
13) Cupcakes
14) God
15) Making others smile
16) Oreo Cookies
17) Taking Pictures
18) Being married
19) Working with Kids
20) My co-workers
21) Getting something accomplished
22) Babies
23) Listening to music
24) Driving with my sunroof up
25) Drinking Cherry Coke
26) Meg Cabot Books
27) Making a difference in others lives
28) Shopping
29) Bright colored finger nail polish
30) Getting good deals on the clearance racks
31) Beating mom on Scrabble
32) My wedding ring
33) Winning
34) jelly beans
35) Singing Karaoke
36) Playing Rock Band
37) Getting the Mail
38) Cleaning
39) Organizing things
40) skinny jeans
41) Purses
42) baking
43) Having guests over my house
44) Checking my email
45) strawberries
46) Hugs
47) Hearing the words "I love you"
48) ice cream
49) Daydreaming
50) Pretty colored pens
51) Not wearing any shoes
52) my laptop
53) opening presents
54) a beautiful day with 75 degree weather
55) Roller Coasters
56) Weekends
57) Going home from Work
58) kittens
59) Rainbows
60) Being Alive
61) God's Blessings
62) Getting magazines in the mail
63) Calling my mom
64) Visiting Friends
65) Days off work
66) Going on Vacation
67) Kisses
68) my birthday
69) Giving presents to others
70) Paydays
71) Finding money I didn't know I had
72) chocolate
73) Sharing my funny life adventures with others
74) My veggie garden
75) Sleeping in
76) fireworks
77) Family get-togethers
78) Fireflies
79) Writing poetry
80) Making smores
81) Getting Flowers
82) Romantic Comedies
83) Getting Thank-You Cards
85) Coffee to wake me up when I am super tired
86) Springtime
87) Birds Chirping
88) Cute Dresses to wear
89) Shimmery Eyeshadow
90) Logic Puzzles
91) our house
92) Making to do lists and then completing items off it.
93) Netflix movies that come in the mail
94) Looking at my Wedding Pictures
95) Mix Drinks
96) Going to the movies
97) DVR
98) Watching Bridezilla
99) Flip flops
100) Being myself
Coming up with this list wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Though the last 15, were really hard to come up with. The more I worked on this list, the more I realized that I could easily come up with 100 things that make me mad. hehehe..
Identify 100 things that makes me happy.
So here we go, lets see how hard this is (in no particular order):
1) Matt, My husband
2) Marco, My cat
3) My Friends
4) My family
5) My job
6) Popcorn
7) Friends (The TV show)
8) Facebook
9) Thunderstorms
11) Reading books
12) Singing in the Shower
13) Cupcakes
14) God
15) Making others smile
16) Oreo Cookies
17) Taking Pictures
18) Being married
19) Working with Kids
20) My co-workers
21) Getting something accomplished
22) Babies
23) Listening to music
24) Driving with my sunroof up
25) Drinking Cherry Coke
26) Meg Cabot Books
27) Making a difference in others lives
28) Shopping
29) Bright colored finger nail polish
30) Getting good deals on the clearance racks
31) Beating mom on Scrabble
32) My wedding ring
33) Winning
34) jelly beans
35) Singing Karaoke
36) Playing Rock Band
37) Getting the Mail
38) Cleaning
39) Organizing things
40) skinny jeans
41) Purses
42) baking
43) Having guests over my house
44) Checking my email
45) strawberries
46) Hugs
47) Hearing the words "I love you"
48) ice cream
49) Daydreaming
50) Pretty colored pens
51) Not wearing any shoes
52) my laptop
53) opening presents
54) a beautiful day with 75 degree weather
55) Roller Coasters
56) Weekends
57) Going home from Work
58) kittens
59) Rainbows
60) Being Alive
61) God's Blessings
62) Getting magazines in the mail
63) Calling my mom
64) Visiting Friends
65) Days off work
66) Going on Vacation
67) Kisses
68) my birthday
69) Giving presents to others
70) Paydays
71) Finding money I didn't know I had
72) chocolate
73) Sharing my funny life adventures with others
74) My veggie garden
75) Sleeping in
76) fireworks
77) Family get-togethers
78) Fireflies
79) Writing poetry
80) Making smores
81) Getting Flowers
82) Romantic Comedies
83) Getting Thank-You Cards
85) Coffee to wake me up when I am super tired
86) Springtime
87) Birds Chirping
88) Cute Dresses to wear
89) Shimmery Eyeshadow
90) Logic Puzzles
91) our house
92) Making to do lists and then completing items off it.
93) Netflix movies that come in the mail
94) Looking at my Wedding Pictures
95) Mix Drinks
96) Going to the movies
97) DVR
98) Watching Bridezilla
99) Flip flops
100) Being myself
Coming up with this list wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Though the last 15, were really hard to come up with. The more I worked on this list, the more I realized that I could easily come up with 100 things that make me mad. hehehe..
101/1001 project
Welcome to my new blog! I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile now. But I never knew what I should write in my blog if I had one. But now I've finally found some inspiration. I found out about this from another person in the internet world who was also doing the 101/1001 project. The project is called Day Zero.
The idea is I had to come up with 101 things that I would like to accomplish in 1001 days which is by Feb 10, 2013. I think the hardest thing so far with this list was coming up with 101 things to do. It took me about 6 days to figure out all 101 things I want to do. I thought it would be easy, but then I started to run out of ideas. Looking at other people's lists really helped with my inspiration. So Now I can finally start this blog because as of today I have officially finished my 101 list!
I have a couple of people such as my husband and mother, who don't think I will complete this list, because they know me very well. I am one of those people that start something but never finishes it. But their pessimism is motivation for me to prove them wrong! I really would love to do everything on this list and I am going to, and if I do, I'm totally throwing a party for myself. So the two big reasons I am doing this list is to A) Prove some people wrong that I CAN in fact follow things through, and B) So I can have more meaning and purpose with my life. I only have one life, why sit around everyday work, make dinner and then waste time on Facebook. Because that is what my life consists of right now. Which is pretty BORING, and not only that wasting important time I have in my life to live and have meaning! So yes, I want to do this list, so you will get to hear my stories of how I will make completing this list possible.
I can cross off start a blog on my list now! Which is the first thing I can take off the list. If the item is has a line through it, that means I have completed.
So here is the list:
1) Identify 100 things that makes me happy
2) Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
3)Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
4) Send a secret to PostSecret
5) Go barefoot for a day
6) Go to Las Vegas
7) See 10 classic movies I've never seen
8) Donate blood
9) Have a baby
10) Learn to Knit
11) Take a cake decorating Class
12)Answer "50 questions that Will Free Your Mind"
13) No fast food for a month
14) No Complaining for a week
15) Take my parents out for dinner
16) Stay awake for 24 hours
17) Do some Volunteer Work
18) Read 50 books
19) Expand my vocabulary by 100 words
20) Visit a psychic
21) Go to a haunted house
22) Watch 26 movies I have never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet (Currently working on)
23) Tie a note into a balloon and let it go.
24) Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
25) Do the splits
26) Go paintballing
27) Give a 100 percent tip
28)Start a blog
29) Complete a 365 day photo challenge (Currently working on)
30) Do 10 acts of random kindness
31) Run in a 10 k
32) Go to the circus
33) List to 26 bands that I have never heard of starting with each letter of the alphabet
34) Make 5 new friends
35) Finish Wedding Scrapbook
36) Make homemade pickles
37) Go to 10 new restaurants
38) Make 5 mix CDs and leave them around town for people to find.
39) Say yes to 100 things I want to say no to
40) Go to Cedar Point
41) Make a quilt
42) Paint a picture
43) Milk a cow
44) Find a four leaver clover
45) Try 10 new foods
46) Ride in a limo
47) Don't watch any TV for a week
48) Donate 5 dollars for every goal that I don't complete.
49) Carve my name into a tree
50) Drink nothing but water for a week
51) Ride in a hot air balloon
52) Make homemade doughnuts
53) Go to 3 states that I have never been to.
54)Go without pop for a whole month
55) Learn how to use the sewing machine and create something
56) Start my day five o'clock in the morning
57) Make a music video and post it on YouTube
58) Go to the Ohio State fair
59) Eat an entire meal from Taco Bell
60) Go to the Cleveland Zoo
61) Ride in a train across America
62) Grow a new fruit in our garden and make something out of it.
63) Go to a drag show
64) Complete a song with Guitar on Expert on Guitar Hero
65) Cook 25 new dishes (Deserts, Main dishes, sides)
66) Get my eye brows waxed.
67) Re-watch all the episode from all ten seasons of Friends
68) Create myself swarovski crystal necklace, bracelet, and earrings
69) Make a apple, cherry, pumpkin, pecan, and strawberry pie
70) Go on a 20 mile bike ride
71) Finish a blanket that I am crocheting
72) Ride a mechanical bull
73) Pay off my car loan before January 2011
74) Collect a swear jar for 3 months, Five cents a swear.
75) Leave 50 post-its around town (Operation Beautiful/Gives me Hope)
76) Go on a hike in the woods for 3 miles
77) Do 100 full sit-ups in a row
78) Look good in bikini (flat abs)
79) Go to an Alanis Morrisette Concert (hopefully there is another concert in the next 3 years)
80) Learn Zumba
81) No internet for a month, unless work Related.
82) Make the spare room into a guest room or baby room (which ever comes first)
83) Go a week without wearing make-up
84) Go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum
85) Go to a Strip Club
86) Create a family slide show
87) Clean, condense, and organize all my stuff in the basement
88) Don't look at what time it is for an entire day.
89) Buy a new refrigerator
90) Complete an entire logic puzzle book
91) Bowl a game of 200 or better
92) Be on time or early for everything for two weeks in a row
93) Find a hat to wear, that I actually look good in.
94) Go to bed by 10:00 pm for two weeks.
95) Work out 4 times a week for 3 months straight (1 hour)
96) Visit Anna in Michigan
97) Read the entire Idiot's Guide to Spelling and Grammar
98)Successfully drink an entire can of beer
99) Complete listography
100) Spend an entire day using my right hand instead of my left.
101) Spend more than 50 dollars on a pair of shoes/jeans/pants/shirt/or dress.
The idea is I had to come up with 101 things that I would like to accomplish in 1001 days which is by Feb 10, 2013. I think the hardest thing so far with this list was coming up with 101 things to do. It took me about 6 days to figure out all 101 things I want to do. I thought it would be easy, but then I started to run out of ideas. Looking at other people's lists really helped with my inspiration. So Now I can finally start this blog because as of today I have officially finished my 101 list!
I have a couple of people such as my husband and mother, who don't think I will complete this list, because they know me very well. I am one of those people that start something but never finishes it. But their pessimism is motivation for me to prove them wrong! I really would love to do everything on this list and I am going to, and if I do, I'm totally throwing a party for myself. So the two big reasons I am doing this list is to A) Prove some people wrong that I CAN in fact follow things through, and B) So I can have more meaning and purpose with my life. I only have one life, why sit around everyday work, make dinner and then waste time on Facebook. Because that is what my life consists of right now. Which is pretty BORING, and not only that wasting important time I have in my life to live and have meaning! So yes, I want to do this list, so you will get to hear my stories of how I will make completing this list possible.
I can cross off start a blog on my list now! Which is the first thing I can take off the list. If the item is has a line through it, that means I have completed.
So here is the list:
2) Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
4) Send a secret to PostSecret
5) Go barefoot for a day
6) Go to Las Vegas
7) See 10 classic movies I've never seen
8) Donate blood
9) Have a baby
10) Learn to Knit
11) Take a cake decorating Class
13) No fast food for a month
14) No Complaining for a week
15) Take my parents out for dinner
16) Stay awake for 24 hours
17) Do some Volunteer Work
18) Read 50 books
19) Expand my vocabulary by 100 words
20) Visit a psychic
21) Go to a haunted house
22) Watch 26 movies I have never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet (Currently working on)
23) Tie a note into a balloon and let it go.
24) Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
25) Do the splits
26) Go paintballing
27) Give a 100 percent tip
29) Complete a 365 day photo challenge (Currently working on)
30) Do 10 acts of random kindness
31) Run in a 10 k
32) Go to the circus
33) List to 26 bands that I have never heard of starting with each letter of the alphabet
34) Make 5 new friends
35) Finish Wedding Scrapbook
36) Make homemade pickles
37) Go to 10 new restaurants
38) Make 5 mix CDs and leave them around town for people to find.
39) Say yes to 100 things I want to say no to
40) Go to Cedar Point
41) Make a quilt
42) Paint a picture
43) Milk a cow
44) Find a four leaver clover
45) Try 10 new foods
46) Ride in a limo
47) Don't watch any TV for a week
48) Donate 5 dollars for every goal that I don't complete.
49) Carve my name into a tree
50) Drink nothing but water for a week
51) Ride in a hot air balloon
52) Make homemade doughnuts
53) Go to 3 states that I have never been to.
55) Learn how to use the sewing machine and create something
56) Start my day five o'clock in the morning
57) Make a music video and post it on YouTube
58) Go to the Ohio State fair
59) Eat an entire meal from Taco Bell
60) Go to the Cleveland Zoo
61) Ride in a train across America
62) Grow a new fruit in our garden and make something out of it.
63) Go to a drag show
64) Complete a song with Guitar on Expert on Guitar Hero
65) Cook 25 new dishes (Deserts, Main dishes, sides)
66) Get my eye brows waxed.
67) Re-watch all the episode from all ten seasons of Friends
68) Create myself swarovski crystal necklace, bracelet, and earrings
69) Make a apple, cherry, pumpkin, pecan, and strawberry pie
70) Go on a 20 mile bike ride
71) Finish a blanket that I am crocheting
72) Ride a mechanical bull
73) Pay off my car loan before January 2011
74) Collect a swear jar for 3 months, Five cents a swear.
75) Leave 50 post-its around town (Operation Beautiful/Gives me Hope)
76) Go on a hike in the woods for 3 miles
77) Do 100 full sit-ups in a row
78) Look good in bikini (flat abs)
79) Go to an Alanis Morrisette Concert (hopefully there is another concert in the next 3 years)
80) Learn Zumba
81) No internet for a month, unless work Related.
82) Make the spare room into a guest room or baby room (which ever comes first)
83) Go a week without wearing make-up
84) Go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum
85) Go to a Strip Club
86) Create a family slide show
87) Clean, condense, and organize all my stuff in the basement
88) Don't look at what time it is for an entire day.
90) Complete an entire logic puzzle book
91) Bowl a game of 200 or better
92) Be on time or early for everything for two weeks in a row
93) Find a hat to wear, that I actually look good in.
94) Go to bed by 10:00 pm for two weeks.
95) Work out 4 times a week for 3 months straight (1 hour)
96) Visit Anna in Michigan
97) Read the entire Idiot's Guide to Spelling and Grammar
99) Complete listography
100) Spend an entire day using my right hand instead of my left.
101) Spend more than 50 dollars on a pair of shoes/jeans/pants/shirt/or dress.
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